Ant System and TSP

Ant System


$$ P{ij}=\frac{[\tau{ij}(t)]^\alpha[\eta{ij}]^\beta}{\sum{k\in Ni}[\tau{ij}(t)]^\alpha[\eta_{ij}]^\beta} $$

  • $$ \tau_{ij}(t) $$ : The amount of pheromon on the arc(i, j) at time t
  • $$ \eta_{ij} $$ : The heuristic value of moving from i to j.
  • $$ \eta{ij}=Q/d{ij} $$, Q is a real number. Some books/papers set Q=1, but in the tutorial Q=100. Q can arrange the weight of the distance when compute the posibility.
  • $$ \alpha, \beta $$
  • To be continiued *