Play with TF-Object Detection - 1. Installation


Fink (for Mac OS)

Basic installation tutorial of TF-Object Detection used apt-get to install packages. I tried use brew to replace it but some packages are missed. Fortunately, we can use apt-get after installing the Fink.

Fink provided a helper script to install all things automatically. The Installation cost nearly half an hour on my computer, here is the whole process:

  1. Save the script on the Desktop (or whatever you like) as “”
  2. Run ~/Desktop/
  3. If you didn’t install the full Xcode or Xquartz, the script will ask you whether you’d like to install them. After installing the Xcode and Xquartz, we should run ~/Desktop/ again to continue the process of Fink.
  4. Waiting for the installation until the Fink ask you several questions like
    • I’ll ask you some questions and update the configuration file in
  • In what additional directory should Fink look for downloaded tarballs?
  • Which directory should Fink use to build packages? (If you don’t know what this means, it is safe to leave it at its default.)
  • ….

Here just need to press “Enter” again and again to leave them at its default. Then have a coffee and wait for a few minutes :)

After the installation is done, remember to restart the terminal and run fink update-all to active the fink. Now apt-get is available on Mac OS :D


Install Object Detection model

The basic version of Tensorflow didn’t contain the models. So we should run

# From /tensorflow
git clone

Then compile the photoruf libraries by running:

# From tensorflow/models
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

If photoruf was not installed, then run

brew photoruf

to install it first.

Then set the pre-trained model path by:

# From tensorflow/models/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim

From this line, we can find it is obvious that object detection use the TF-slim to extract the features.

To test whether the model has been installed successfully or not, run:

python object_detection/builders/

under your environment. If you use the VirtualEnv, remember run this first:

source ~/tensorflow/bin/active


  1. TF-Object Detection Model
  2. Fink
  3. Document of Fink